
Na Kamieńcu Guesthouse

Rooms for individual guests with bathrooms and TV with the option of buying breakfast, lunch and dinner (buffet breakfast and dinner). The guesthouse has 13 spacious rooms, a dance hall, a dining room, a gazebo with a grill, a large parking lot, a volleyball and football pitch. The property is located close to the centre and close to the Cycling Route around the Tatras (300m). Rooms with a shared bathroom at attractive prices. Free Wi-Fi throughout the area :) Rooms with a shared bathroom at attractive prices.

Project’s Partners

Euroregion "Tatry"
Miasto Nowy Targ
Gmina Czarny Dunajec
Gmina Nowy Targ
Gmina Szaflary
Gmina Łapsze Niżne
Mesto Kežmarok
Mesto Liptovský Mikuláš
Mesto Trstená
Mesto Spišská Belá
Mesto Stará Ľubovňa
Obec Suchá Hora
Obec Hladovka
Obec Liesek
Obec Nižná
Obec Vrbov
Obec Huncovce
Historyczno-kulturowo-przyrodniczy szlak wokół Tatr
Portal Co-Financed By The European Union From The European Regional Development Fund Under
The Interreg V-A Pl-Sk Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2014-2020

Historyczno-kulturowo-przyrodniczy szlak wokół Tatr
Portal modernization co-financed by the Ministry of Development