
Podzemie Pod Vežami - Liptovský Ján

Jána Čajaka 132, 032 03 Liptovský Ján, Słowacja

Podzemie Pod Vežami in Liptovský Ján is a very interesting place, where you can learn about the life of a coin, from the very beginnings in the depths of the earth, all the way to its birth in the mint. The visitors will witness the contact of metal with fire and water, they will travel underground to meet the gold-bearing ore, just to, in the end, try to mint the coin on their own. Attractive place, especially for the kids.

Project’s Partners

Euroregion "Tatry"
Miasto Nowy Targ
Gmina Czarny Dunajec
Gmina Nowy Targ
Gmina Szaflary
Gmina Łapsze Niżne
Mesto Kežmarok
Mesto Liptovský Mikuláš
Mesto Trstená
Mesto Spišská Belá
Mesto Stará Ľubovňa
Obec Suchá Hora
Obec Hladovka
Obec Liesek
Obec Nižná
Obec Vrbov
Obec Huncovce
Historyczno-kulturowo-przyrodniczy szlak wokół Tatr
Portal Co-Financed By The European Union From The European Regional Development Fund Under
The Interreg V-A Pl-Sk Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2014-2020

Historyczno-kulturowo-przyrodniczy szlak wokół Tatr
Portal modernization co-financed by the Ministry of Development