Pieniny National Park

Pieniny National Park

The park encompasses the most valuable areas of Proper Pieniny, with the Trzy Korony Range, Pieninki, and Czorsztyn Pieniny, as well as a small part of the Spiš Pieniny - Zielone Skałki. The ranges are cut by the Dunajec valley, gorges of which are also part of the park. It protects the unique natural plant communities - beech and sycamore forests, relict pine forests, or the thermophilic meadow species. The orchids are very popular here. The park is popular mostly because of the amazing nature and incredible views - jagged cancerous rocks, gorges, precipices, green meadows with many species of butterflies, a wild river with rafts swimming on it. The most popular trails lead to Trzy Korony (982 m above sea level) and Sokolica (747 m above sea level). From the observation deck at Trzy Korony you can admire an amazing view over the Dunajec gorge, Tatras, Gorce mountains and Beskid Sądecki. (source: Onet podróże). More information at https://www.pieninypn.pl/

Project’s Partners

Euroregion "Tatry"
Miasto Nowy Targ
Gmina Czarny Dunajec
Gmina Nowy Targ
Gmina Szaflary
Gmina Łapsze Niżne
Mesto Kežmarok
Mesto Liptovský Mikuláš
Mesto Trstená
Mesto Spišská Belá
Mesto Stará Ľubovňa
Obec Suchá Hora
Obec Hladovka
Obec Liesek
Obec Nižná
Obec Vrbov
Obec Huncovce
Historyczno-kulturowo-przyrodniczy szlak wokół Tatr
Portal Co-Financed By The European Union From The European Regional Development Fund Under
The Interreg V-A Pl-Sk Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2014-2020

Historyczno-kulturowo-przyrodniczy szlak wokół Tatr
Portal modernization co-financed by the Ministry of Development